May 10, 1967 Sammamish Valley News | |
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?,, ..................................... ....... .............. ® SAMMAMISH VALLEY ® REDMOND
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• ..... ....... , Zora But aim in teaching D her best
: ............ , .... Gounty engineers • • •
[ ......... ....%.: ..................... ..... ,, ...... denied Park use
,. • ........ ......................... , _ ............ ............. ,o: ................. ............ ,o, o, to help e ch child grow in mind and spirit
• ..................... ..................... • i:i:::i.: .., .ii ................. '. .... ';".: %
......... : ............... ..... .... ...................... ..... -.;, ....... approxiamtely nine acres of
land within the Marymoor
...... : ..................... ....... ............ ..................... ,: J ................. : ..... ..... ....... .......... • ...... County Park property to be By Jeanne Merrifield lng each child grow in spirit the times. She compares the
............................................................... ............................. ........... :e. ':tf . ....... ...... ...........
..... -. % ;: ...... .... % : ora Butorac camemorth and mind have been a part dancing with the jazz and the
:: ..F:Ott . ........ .......... ......... :::... used as the offices and shops
........... : . .......... ..... for the new Road District No. Port from Canada with her of Redmond for the 39 years Charleston of her high school
..:.....::::", .:.. *":: / 3 was denied by the County mother and father and five she has taught in the same years. She remembers when
.... Commissioners at their May sisters and brothers when she building, the skirts then were as short
; .... ::.: / meeting, was six years old. Her fath- Zorn has put great import- as they are today. All in all,
• % .::::i:::: To date this leaves the Park er Ralph Butorac taught her ance on watching her families Zorn feels very optimistic
grounds in use as strictly how important reading was. grow. It pleases her to see about today's teen age genera-
recreational. They read everything they her former students now hay- tion.
could get their hands on by lag children who areteachers. In 1947, Zora's mother,
day and by kerosene lamp at It gives her great satisfac- Mrs° Ralph Butorac, and her
Revised en'r--[ y fees for Rainier night. The farm kept her tion to tell friends andca- sister Vicky moved out to
busy and Zorn says, "There quaintances of the ac- live withher from NorthPort.
wasn't much time for mis- complishments her past pu- Vicky is still with Zorn, and
chief," although there was pits have achieved. She feels the community of Redmond
Park given by superintendent they areverymuchherfamil- often see Vicky and Zoraout
Zorn graduated from Col- ies as she has watched them for a stroll together. In
ville High and after finishing grow with as much interest 1964, Zorawaselectedteacher
Revised entrance fees to all persons 16 years of age the required years at Cheney as if they were her own child- of the year in the area. She
...... ..... be effective during the 1967 or older. Normal school, she began to ten. doesn't plan to rush off to
season at Mount Rainier None of the permits is teach. Then in 1928 she came sac en]oys me €lress ano Europe, but plans to do a lot
transferable, nor may thecost to Redmond where she has styles of the teenagers today, of catching up on books she
National Park, as provided of a daily permit be applied been teaching ever since. Her She recalls her own high hasn't had time for before.
by the Land and Water Con- later to the purchase price first responsibility was with school days when the girls It is good news to all those
servation Fund Act of 1965, of an annual permit. Per- the opportunity room, similar combed their hair over wads who have known Zorn oneway
were announced today by Su- mits for private vehicles to the special education pro- of matting to get the same or another that she plans to
perintendent John A. Towns- should be displayedwhere they gram in effect today. Zora's effect that ratting does today, stay in Redmond and willcon-
ley. may be seen while inthepark, words of wisdom and her de- She feels the ways of the stu- tinue to watch "her families'*
Park visitors will have only The purchase of the Golden sire to do her best in help- dents today are in tune with grow.
three fee options. The first Eagle Passport for $7 is con-
will be the recreation con- sldered the biggest recrea-
servation "Golden Passport" tional bargain available to
which, as in past years will American citizens. In addi-
sell for $7. This annual tiontoadmlttingthepurchaser
permit will admit the driver and his entire family to Mount
and all occupants of a pri- Rainier National Park, it is
rate noncommercialvehicleto good at 7,000 other designated
all National Parks and other Federal recreation areas.
designated Federal recrea- Fees are deposited to the
19TH HOLE NEXT --This is the nearly-completed clubhouse at the new Carnation Golf Course tion areas where an entrance credit of the Land and. Water
on the West Valley Road between Carnation and Fall City. The 18-hole course will be ready for or admission fee is normally Conservation Fund. This is
public use on May 7th; the grand opening will be in June. The clubhouse will have a fireplace charged. , a trust fund and in turn is :
to acquire additional recrea-
and snack bar and shower facilities for men and women. About 175 members have signed the Regulations governing the tional resources. About 40
charter membership at this time. The charter members will have a tournament this Saturday. permit define a private non- percent of the fund is allocat-
commercial vehicle as any ed for purchase of additional
Carnation Golf Course
pickup, camper truck, motor- land for Federal recreation
cycle, or other motor ve- areas, while 6{}percent goes
hicle which is conventionally to tiie states as matchin K
used for private recreation grants for pla_ing, acquisi-
exe'-'ngz, terrain o. oo
opens; =**.
permit is good for one year,
through March 31, 1968. and recreatlon£ facilities.
................. :- Two short-term (one day) "J"'
options are available to those " •
TO note he opening of the charter members participated Brookside near Redmond, he who do not choose to put- GROW will sludv
Carnation Golf Club on the in a Charter Membership and pro Frank Burns will do chase the annual permit. The
West Valley Road between tournament last Saturday at the instructing, driver of a private non-com- ,'- -onlann|n needs
Carnation and Fall Cit, the course. Yoshitake, operator of Sun- mercial vehicle maypurchase
set Gardens, on Avondale way a daily permit for $1 which
Co'-owned by RobertTach- in Redmond, is secretary and will admit himself and of ©ommunily
Barry's Market ell, Fred Ewing and Frank in charge of grounds. A land- who accompany him. Those
Yoshitake, the club will be "You can't prevent pro-
'i scape architect, he has apar- persons who enter by other
limited to 300 charter mem- three golf course at liis nrs- means, such as commercial gress,it,,., but. tneseY°U wordsCan planservedfor MISS ZORA BUTORAC came to Redmond from North Port
Yes percentage bets on aprofit-sharingplan, cry site.
To date Tachell said there Membership fee is $300 and bus, privately-owned bus or as the catalyst for the GROW in 1928 to teach in a log cabin which was the Redmond school-
truck carrying a group, on Planning and Land Use Corn- house. She has seen many a youngster pass through her
|0 JJ|He |cadge are about 175 members, will entitle the holder to share foot, bicycle, or horseback, mittee which met for the first classes and has maintained an interest in everyone of them.
If people around Redmond The development of the in 2G per cent of the net may obtain a daily permit time May 1, in the Redmond Her present fourth grade class will be her last group as she
eat a lot the next 30 days course was started a yearago profits, a reduction in green at a cost of GO cents each.
the little league baseballpro- on a 148 acre sheep pasture fees, exclusive starting times Senior High. retires with her principal, Roy Swenson, and fellow teacher,
gram stands to reap quite a on a slough of the Snoqual- and the sight to organize Both types of daily per- Jeanette Veasey, chairman, Mrs. Marie DeWitt, who together have totaled 110 years of
harvest. The Barry family mie River. It is laid out on tournaments, mits are valid until noon o: stressed as the goal of the teaching. Ciass members are James Adams, Mlckey Ander-
9res0tt, Doris, Rollie and .a bend in the river with an Week daygreen fees wlllbe the day following purchase, committee the understanding
Cletus, who operate Barry's average-length 18 hole layout $2 fqr 18 and $3 on the week- and only la the area where of the nature, need and appli-
Market have come up with a measuring 5,800 yards on the ends. purchased. Fees apply to cation of planning fortheRed-
very generous proposition to short tees. mond community. Aftercare-
ful study of community plan-
help Redmond's young din- "There are pocket greens ning problems, the committee
mondhopefuls, and eight doglegs on the Rocket Research contracts ver.c00
For 30 days starting May course," Tachell said. "A
ommendatlons to the total zinc or metropolitan news- is not found in duplicate any- have the responsibility to
1G Barry's Market will donate beautiful lake hole and some
one percent ofeverycustomer rover holes add excitement." with"erat _,.Corn r comes into the homes where else in the United evaluate their subject to re-
sale amounting to SG or more • Besides Mrs. Veasey, of Redmond residents telling States. gard to courses offered, text,
to the Redmond LittleLeague Plans are for 10,000 chairman, other membersare of innovations in education This committee, the cur- changes, new materials and
Baseball,,ManyOrganization.local residents have nicSqUareareaf°°tonPUttinggreen'pic'the 17th hole, Rocket Research Corpora- analysis techniques. This HowardT°m Brown,Carlson,John BillW" Bowen,Chap. verthat areAmerica.being discoveredThese arti-all riculum Review Board, was in-service teacher training.
donated hours and hours of parking for 200 cars, and a tion has received a contract technique provides a theore- man, Greg Foster, Stun Frey, cles tell of the progressive cited as a unique approach After careful consideration
their time to make this one clubhouse with shower facll- from Space General Corpora- tical determination ofthecost Elly Gannett, JohnD. Lawson, trends that are being intro- to education by Dr. Don Dav- they draft proposed changes
effectiveness of alternative Paul T. Riensche, Bill Reams, duced or practised elsewhere ies, national educational con- for their chairman to pre-
of the finest programs for tries for men and women, a tion, a subsidiary oftheAero- propulsion system designs in Wayne Scott, Barbara Strom, in this field which effects sultant, who was visiting the sent to the Board.
district in an advisory capa- The Board, which also
youngsters anywhere in the snack bar, lounging area and jet-General Corporation, for view of the mission require- J. Graley Taylor, M.A. every citizen at sometime in city. He termed it a very meets monthly throughout the
country," Prescott Barry oh- fireplace, a general study of mono- merits of a specific program. Woods. The COmmittee also his life.
served. "We simplywant to Ewing is president of the propellant propulsionsystems Design data is being estab- received community planning Therefore it came as a desirable facet in setting up year, then has the job of
do our part toward making club. Tachell will serve as which use hydrazine and hy- lished for monoproellant, hi- counsel from Mike Barahart pleasant surprise to Dunce the finalizing of curriculum sifting and weighing eachpro-
sure this program continues vice-president. A former drazine-based fuels, propellant, solid, hybrid, and of the University of Washing- Thorson, LW district director selections, posal from each area forpre-
fluid control systems under ton Bureau of Community, De- of curriculum, to hear at a The program had its start sentation in priority fashion
ture,"t° be BarrySUCCeSsfUlsaid. in the fu- brook°wner OfcourseLake CitYandMeadOW-pro at formationThe stUdYon theWillperformanceSUpply in- the Space General contract, velopment, recent school directors meet- three years ago under the the the superintendent, who in
turn, after evaluation, pre-
weight, reliability and cost -- direction of Dan Shovlin, now
of monopropellant hydrazine assistant superintendent of sents his choices to theschool
You Don't Have To Be Scottish propulsion systems over the pupil personnel. At that time directors for final analysis
thrust range from .05 lbf to each grade had a representa- as to need and costs.
TO BE THRIFTY!_. 500 lbL For each thrust tire and all lts subjects were "Now our year's work is
level, both parametric and considered as a whole by the in the 'pending stage,' and
EASTSIDE discrete designpointinforma- Board. we are all waiting anxiously
tion will be supplied for re- Today what has evolved for the superintendent's for-
PAYS... presentative systems having from this original structure mat presentation to the board
a given number of thrusters is less complicated in that when he will cite specific
and specified total impulse, each subject area, or edu- proposals from the sugges-
In addition to information on cational disciplir, e, has been tions, "Thorson explained.
the systems of "baseline de- set UP as a vertical commit- The final decision is the
sign", alternate approaches to tee with two representatives school boards' as to which to
propellant flow contrbl, pres- who- are experienced in this accept or to reject. But
surization, thrust control. subject comingfromtheprim-
tank design,, and propellan[ cry, elementary and inter:
formulation will be consM- mediate grades and also the
ered. The effect of sterlli- Junior and seniorhigh schools.
ON zation on propulsion system When this committee meets
performance, weight, re- the whole aspect from kinder-
liability, and cost will also be garten to senior high school
SAV|NGS considered, in view of the ira- is explored and discussed and
portance of unmanned mis- each is aware of the ground
sions to planets that may sup- to be covered in the pre-
port life, such as the Voya- ceding or following grade.
get program. "This new approach gives
This program is being con- us a vertical outlook of a
ducted by Space General .un- particular subject, said
der a NASA contract, and is Thorson, "and we are more
under the technical manage- MUSIC NIGHT FOR HORACE MANN ELEMENTARY school students and their families will aware of the needs to be met."
merit of the Jet Propulsion be Tuesday, May 16, at 8 p.m. at the Redmond Junior High school vym. All grades will pre- The chairman of this corn-
Laboratory. The data re- sent vocal and instrumentalnumbers during the evening. First through fifth grade singers, mittee then sits on the Cur-
sulting from the study will under the direction of Miss etty Martin, will be in individual class groups. The fifth grade riculum Review Board with
be used by the Jet Propul- beginning orchestra will present several numbers under the baton of Myron Richards. The all other similar chairmen
sion Laboratory and NASA beginning fifth grade band, conducted by Jim Beunetson, is also scheduled for several pieces, and selected representatives
in conjunction with Space Gen- Getting in a few practice licks with Bennetson were Terry Hargrove, saxaphone; Tim Red- from the district who would
erai Corporation's propulsion mond, trumpet; Burke Mcgee, drums; Pat Kvietkus, trombone, and Cynthia Becker, clarinet, be concerned with curriculum
........ system cost effectiveness P-TA officers will be installed, planning.
son, Bruce Bailie, Claudia Bark, Desi Bauder, Scott Benton,
Lloyd Carver, Benito Contrares, Brenda Croakhite, John
Erickson, David Farmer, Nancy Fisher, Lou Gillette, Dan-
nette Gonzales, Joann Hale, Jay Ingersoll, Nels Johansen,
Cindy Korsmo, Carol Merrifield, Colleen Paylor, Donna Phil-
lips, Carrie Qulun, Denny Quinevova, Robert Raley, Bruce
Rohde, Becky Rood, Ltnda Van Camp, Ellen Windle and Steve
Winston. Photos by Chuck Lee, Tyrrell's Inc.
L.W. curriculum review board is unique in United States
they can do this with confi-
dence that hard and serious
study was put into each pro-
posai by qualified and exper-
ienced people who have not
only analyzed their depart-
ment's needs but have taken a
good long look at what is de-
sired in other areas.
Working with Thorson are
Bill Ewbaak, social studies;
Annelies Clauson, foreign
languages; Austin Anderson,
business education; Paxton
Smith, language arts; Bob
Lundquist, guidance; Dorothy
Scharf, home ecomics; Gor-
don Hanck, specialeducation;
Mary Lou Burke. primary
education; Mary Mount, li-
braries; BillHunter. science;
Des Charouhas, heal(h and PE;
Stun Wagness, mathematics;
Glen Greet, art; Chester
Potuzak, music; Richard
Blonden, industrial arts;
Hunter Mock, senior high
school principals; Vernon
Leatha, junior high school
principals; Wayne Stenson,
elementary school principals,
and Jeannie Cox, LWEA re-
% _ SEASO.N IS UNDERWAY i p.layed at Buckiey Field
b S 5 p.m. S-in'gle Games. at 6 p.m. %
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