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Sammamish Valley News
Redmond, WA
April 24, 1968     Sammamish Valley News
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April 24, 1968
Newspaper Archive of Sammamish Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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€ it Page 2 Sammamish Valley News Wed. April 24, 1968 Hiphuggers not for her BY FERN STEWART Minus the beads, thebeards and the dirt, the season of the hippies is beginning right here. As certain as spring, comes the "Get In Shape - Or It Will All Hang Out" madness. Who cares that for nine months you lived uncaringly with the extra pounds nature mysteriously attaches during the years. At times you even felt svelte and glamourous. Not anymore. It begins with little remarks, like a hus- band's "all the hippies ain't in Haight-Asbury." Then Opening Day is when you hear casual remarks from other women .... "no, thank you, no dessert for /he" . . . "no . . . the salad please" or "mmm, I'm not eating today." The light bulb goes on. Sud- denly you feel like a balloon that someone is slowly in- flating. All those meals you prepared for brisk evenings flash before your eyes. In- cluding the shots of you con- suming practically a fullmeal as you fix dinner. And then you sitting down to finish off a meal that would do justice to a logger. We won't dis- cuss leftovers. Mentally you go over the tell-tale signs of, UGH, obe- sity. Like, do your bermudas fit when you're standing the way they used to ONLY when you sat down . . . over 30 and you STILL say it's baby fat .... your loose fitting muumuu starting to cling a little closer to your curves .. when you shake out the rugs, does the flab beat you black and blue? Two out of fouryesanswers mean that your body is going bad. To be sure, you get out the tape measure; then you try on last year's dress and bathing suit. What's left but remembering what you weighed when you were mar- ried. After the family coaxes you out of the closet in the base- ment, you make plans. What was it now ... grapefruit, hardboiled eggs, lean meat, juices . . . and Exercises.. 1,2,3,4 - 2,2,3,4, the Austral- ian crawl across the floor and sit ups. What happened? All I will say is that I've decided to steer clear of bikinis, tight jersey dresses, red capris and stolen glances in rearview mirrors. WE'RE LOOKING FOR A GOOD MAN OVER 40 Shopper News Anti-TB League gets blue ribbon L. Max Gardner, executive director of the Anti-Tubercu- losis League of King County and 1967 general chairman of the Puget Sound region's Clean Air Week, has been no- tiffed that the local committee has received a blue ribbon award for an outstanding edu- Saturday is also the offi- cial opening of the Seattle Cen- ter spring-summer season. As a special opening day sa- lute, the Monorail will be 10t one way all day Saturday, 10:00 a.m. to midnight. Seattle Center opens gate ,for spring-summer season days. The foreignshopsofthe Circus and iis Show Balcony International Bazaar will be will be open from 11 a.m. to open from noon until 8 p.m. daily and until 9 p.m. Sat- 9 p.m. and" until 10 p.m. Sat- urdays and Sundays. The Food urday and Sunday. The spring season will find the Fun Forest amusement rides open from 7 p.m. until midnight Fridays and noon to midnight Saturdays and Sun- Seattle Center's first big weekend of the spring and summer season will open with a western-style rodeo parade Saturday, April 27, at 1:30 p.m. on the Seattle Center grounds, followed by the first of three openingperformances of the Seattle Pacific Indoor Rodeo sponsored by Greater Seattle, Inc. in the Coliseum at 8 p.m. cational program. * SchooJ menu blue12 Ofwereribbon126 citedCitieSaward.forParticipating'theTwenty_special ,If" "m" - - "°" - ''D ''D "m" ''" "" "D" ''D "D - 1  achievement.Six received certificates of IT,/" COOL AND LAKE WASHINGTONSCHOOL Local sponsors for Clean ; !1[ ] CARE FeE00 I .... Air Week included the Anti- I DISTRICT NO. 414 Dorstad 'Speaks-uo' Tuberculosis League of King April 29-May 3 -- -- County, Citizens for Clean MONDAY Air, Junior Advertising Club, Jl I Tomato-Rice Soup ROGER DORSTAD, A CHARTER MEMBER of the new Red, King County Commissioners, Peanut Butter/Honey Sand-mond Jaycees, has won the District 6Jaycee"Speak-up' King County Real Estate !I(ORATRON i' wich contest, it was announced recently. District 6 is comprised Board, League of Women Go- of Jaycee organizations in Redmond, Bellevue, Kirkland, ters'. Puget Sound Air Polu- Cheese and Fruit M " -  A I' SEP'RATES' Frosted Spice Cake ercer Island, Lake Hills, Issaquah, Eastgate-Newport and tion Control Agency, Puget Milk the Snoqualime Valley. Dorstad, an employee of Marymoor Sound Air Resources Council, Realty, Redmond, won out in late March over five other local Seattle Beautiful, Inc., Seattle TUESDAY Jaycees and, in competition at the E1 Nido Inn, among the Federation of Women'sClubs Spaghetti with Meat Sauce other seven organizations March 31. Dorstad will now repre- Seattle Chamber of Cam" l New Spring colors in O Green Beans sent his District at the Washington State Jaycee annual con- merGe, and Washington Wu- !  . Garlic ButteredFrenchBread Gentian in Spokane May 3 and 4. SVNews Photo berculosisAssociation. I / Koatron: "w'f'"rtes, i Fruit Gelatin Milk  m l / Skirts, Culottes and WEDNEAY Epi nj Pant ; Chili con Carrie dresses. ....... I REDMOND HAS THE Whole Wheat Muffin Bread/ Honey Butter k t Peaches BETTER IDEA I +++ Milk Coral I T.URSDAY  Green.  i] ..u+r,+e,o.+,. 1 i Potatoes ' B J a c k, Mixed Vegetables ! ++:: Sr-w Bred and Butter Cookies I |]] D ro n, Milk 1 " An' ! }--] . pp, e FmDAY ' ' reen/ / ........  I Macaroni and Cheese i " I Celery Sticks Bread and Peanut Butter Rhubarb Pie ! Capries $10 / Milk ! SkirtS8 \\; l Wise investors buySeries 1968 Ford GALAXIE 500 ; Culottes $13 Pant dresses $171 HU'K Savings Bonds for growth,Bonds for current income, l 'illag£ pirtl I and put their money in Series 2drhdtpfastback Exterior- wimbleton white Interior- turquoise 302-2VV-8 ! Redmond Shopping Square TU 5-4515l Select shiftcruisomatic, Power steering, AM radio, Deluxe freshair heater NEW! Outdoor carpet =n colorful patterns! I • wanly from Ozite! - ++ Ilzite'FIESTA CARPET F+: + %cq T+,s Surroundm, YO +  +¢++ SAFE + Am+ SECURE Rocker panel m'-Idings NEW! M AN REMvNDT IS wo.+, u. Tar+,:.+ SAVE MOHEV TOO, Stock ,+,, .---- ---nn.n s16, SO0 under tl protective roof of. . . ,,0,ON0,00 WPRIVETTE MOTORS B. dPAT'JR. GENERAL I  Texas PREe)I3:N; ' Corp. INSU RANCEI  ,o, 7,t. FortWorm. ie,,sT+10,, .TU 5-2283 I TU 5-1271 Redmond __. kl on | J| ' |' HairPieces ..... . ,s, ] m .,v,R$S 00ATUNDAY!Re& ced Prices GRADUATING  \\; THIS SPRING ???,,.,-_ "X 3I-] GIVE HER A GIFT CERTIFICATE TOWARD THE PURCHASE OF ONE OF OUR BEAUTIFUL CASCADES, FALLS, WIGLETS, LOVE LOCKS, WIGS OR EYE LASHES. Tremendous Savings ORDER NOW - LET HER WEAR YOURGRADU- ATION GIFT TO HER SENIOR BALL. Susan King and Helen Gill have joined our staff IIJ I.. I=INISH GERING'S NALPLEX latex flat wall finish 7.69 value • It's Butch Boy's finest flat wall finish • Acrylic formula-easy water clean-up • Free of odor--one-coat hiding! • Made expressly for rollers--30 minute dry! Matching colors in Latex Satin Gloss Enamel HANK'S HOMETOWN HARDWARE REDMOND SHOPPING SQUARE TU 5-2008 AT BOTH STORES *EXCEPT FAIR-TRADE ITEMS z NOW/TwO, ',OMPLETE '+with the WORLDS FINEST SOND,+EQUI] AMPEXRsITY )NAL SERVICE "iiii"iii:"::,, SIONAL ADV: :: .................. ::::::::::::::::::::::: ....................... ASSURANCE OF ; HOFF kN .. ................ ,?; ..... MC!NTOSH ; :I$:"OUR EXPRESS PURPOSE TO PROVIDE ;! WITH THE i time. yold decide tha+ ,eunit:you ttave purchased  not perform a  Z|Aiiiiii! !i:!i!:!!!i;iii Ti!i and repre in our:sto , if+, ot satisfy youediate require- ........ i:i'7 RAD ELECTRONICS SEATTLE 2121 SECOND AVENUE (Second & Lenora) MA 4-2341 VERN ECLAND. MGR. BELLEVUE 10845 N.E. 8TH (1 Block East of Metke Ford) GL 5-1591 BILL HITCHCOCK, MGR. BEAUTY SALON (Next to Sears) TU 5-1539 IMPROVE YOUR SHORT GAME LIL' AUGUSTA PITCH & PUTT COURSE 9571 AVONDALE RD. REDMONO TU 5-2088 t )