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February 7, 1973     Sammamish Valley News
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February 7, 1973
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Page 6A Sammamish Valley News February 7, 1973 Church of God Lyn 0 nson we ....... ................. !i: .:.:.'.~.:;: ! "":.:.':i ":':::::::::::" :: " " ",,-. MARK TWAIN STUDENTS DISPLAY WINNING POSTERS Six students at the Mark Twain Elementary School were given Awards of Merit for their prize-winning posters on fire safety at a school assembly January 31. The program, spon- sored by the Mark Twain Student Council, also featured a talk and slide show by Kirkland Fire Inspector Dwight Shultz. Twain principal Warren Heber congratulated the young artists for their "immediate and constant thinking about fire prevention." Awarded were first-grader Melinda Stewart; second-grader Sara Shinner; third-grader Mark Braswell (who was absent that day); fourth-grader Mike Raabe; fifth-grader Kathy Parkhurst, and sixth-grader Rick Jones. Local girl to student teach Mary L. Kuhn, a Wash- ington State University senior from Redmond, will student teach in the Pasco-Kennewick area during the first half of the spring semester. Miss Kuhn will be assi~ed to a specific school by Mar- garet LTtzenberger, place- ment director for the area. Miss Kuhn is majoring in speech at WSU. A graduate of Redmond High School, she is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Kuhn, 2868 W. Lake Sammamish Road. Cubs were music mak ers ,.xCurve'" group "M~,sic makers" was the theme of cub pack's 576's meeting Thurs., Jan. 25 atthe plans meeting Ben R,,sh School. The boys of each den joined The Community Health and Social Services Survey Com- mittee will meet this Friday, February 9, at 12:00 noon in the Zoo Room at Farrell's Ice Cream Parlour, 10116 NE 8th, Bellevue. Highlight of the no-host luncheon meeting will be a report on the first phase of the survey. Volunteers have been interviewing over 3,000 households in five areas roughly corresponding to the school districts of Bellevue, Issaquah, Lake Washington, Mercer Island and North- shore. In addition, a decision will be reached on the timing for the second phase of the sur- vey. This will be in the area included in the school dist- ricts of S'noqualmie Valley, Lower Snoqualmie, and in the Skykamish area. in a musical performance, singing and playing instru- ments which they had crafted. Scouts, parent= and guests were invited to the event. Russ Thomas, acting cub- master for the evening, pre- sented achievement awards. Eric Richie received theBob- cat award. Wolf badges were presented to Jeff Brandmeir, and Todd Hall. Gold Arrow awards went to Greg Pllmpton, Todd Hall, Jeff Brandmeir, Matthew Lowthrop and Brian FerreIL First Silver Arrows were earned by Todd Hall, Matthew Lothrop and Brian Ferrell. James Banks, Eric Rock, Mat.. thew Lothrop and Todd Hall received second Silver Ar- rows. Achievement boaxds were also displayed for parents at the school. Officer Patrolman Corwin Heimbigner in ceremonies held last night at the Kwuntung Country Restaurant in Redmond the Redmond Kiwanis Club named Patrolman Corwin (Skip) Heimbigner Officer of the Month. An almost-two-year member of the Redmond Police De- partment, Heimbigner has attended Bellevue Community College, where he has taken several police science courses. Prior to his Redmond position, he was a dispatcher for the Issaquah Police Department. He re=ides with his wife, Sue, and three children in Issaquah. nga emen announce The engagement of a Kirk- land man, David John Paylor, to Karen Kay Kalicky of Den- ver, Colorado, was announced by Mr. and Mrs. Frank R. Paylor of Redmond last week. The bride-elect, whosepar- ents are Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kalicky, Denver, is a student at Moody Bible Institute. Miss Kalicky is a member of the school's student council, women's glee club and ban- quet committees. She will graduate in May. Paylor is a 1968 graduate classes A new opportunity to par- ticipate in Marie Bidlake's Yoga classes will be open to the public soon. New classes will start at Anderson Junior High on Tuesday, February 20th at 7:30 p.m. and at Leota Junior High on Thursday, February of Redmond High School, a 1971 graduate of Moody Bible Institute and is currently at- tending ~Ceattle Pacific Col- lege, from which he will grad- uate this year. While at the Institute, Pay- lor was senior-class presi- dent, a member of the Moody Chorale, a member of the Dean's List and chairman of the junior-senior banquet. He is currently employed part-time in the Seattle School District No. 1. A July wedding is planned in Denver. open 22nd at 7:30 p.m. Present pupils may continue on and beginners are very welcome. A course of stx two hour lessons is presented for ten dollars. You may re- gister or obtain more ln- fo rmation by calling 486-0113. sponsors by Marilyn Papakyritses Karen Coxhead is the newest and prettiest attraction of the Redmond Rotary Club. The 17-year-old New Zea- lander arrived last week to spend a year living with var- ious families of Rotary mem- bers and to study at Redmond High School. Last year in her home town of Taurranga, Karen saw a newspaper notice inviting stu- dents to apply for the Rotary- sponsored year abroad. Back in Redmond, WesNap, who is the local coordinator fo r international-exchange activities, r~uested the Ro- tary district that the Redmond Club host a student this year. The organization agreed that last year's exchange stu- dent from Sweden, HansFred- rickson, had proven the pro- gram successful. Thus Karen became the group's second guest from across the seas. She left her country with 28 students bound for Rotarians' homes f the month throughout tbeU.S. Karen spoke to Rotarians at a hmcheon last week, tell- ing of her first impressions of this country. A pleasant accent punctuated her speech. A,tomobiles here are enormous compared to those in New Zealand, her audience learned. She added that see- ing cars on the highways with Redmond El spelling bee Julie Wright emerged win- ner of the Redmond Elemen- tary all-school spelling bee which was held February 1 am] 2. Individual classes held eli- mination rounds through the previous week and the top two students of each class parti- cipated in the spell-off. Other winners were Cindy Wegener, second place; Yvonne Zwiefelhofer, third place; Lori Horrocks, fourth place; Margaret Edstam, fifth place and Jayne Lux, sixth place. The contest was conducted by Rose McCul- ~ough. 'The Matchmaker' will be seen "The Matchmaker," a dra- matic presentation, willbe of- fered by students of Redmond High School on February 16p 17, 23 and 24 at the auditor- ium of Rose Hill Junior High, Proceeds from the play will be used by the drama de- partment of Redmon~ High. Ticket information may be obtained from the school. dents and smashed fenders caused her a moment's hes- itation when she first arrived. Elaine and Jim Pittman of Redmond Auto rebuild, with whom Karen ispresently stay- lng, have no doubt assured her that such causalties are an integral part of Amertcan life. Four years ago Karen, her parents, two brothers and one sister moved to the city from their sheep ranch. The farm with 1,000 sheep and several horses and cows was a home Karen says she loved. Her father is aow a r~l estate broker in Taurrang~, a city of 31,000. Karen explained that she has finished high school, but it is commoa practice for Mgh school stu&mts to study a= additional year in preparation for university. She felt that the ROt~/ exchange program offeredh~r a much more exciting and valuable alternative. She will stay in Redmond for a year, attending school and learning about the American people. Nap commented that Rotar- ian families are vying tooffer hospitality to the visitor and that she will be taken on ex- cursions through the year. Biking is a favoritepastlme among young people in New Zealand, Karen says, and stu- Two recently appointed Redmond Park Board mem- bers are Paul Taylor, and Chuck Bay. Thenewcommis- sioners attended their first meeting of theboard February 1. Taylor, 28 is a graduate of Lake Washington High School classof1972 andWash- ington State University. He earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in physical education and recreation in 1966 and attended a year of graduate school at the same institu- tion. While attending W.S.U., Taylor coached the freshman baseball team. Taylor resides at 16713 NE 91 Place in Redmond with his wife Karen and daughter Kris- ti who attends Redmond Ele- mentary and son Kevin. Presently employed a~ Cad- man Gravel, he taught for a year at Finn Hill Junior High. Chuck Bay, 45 is a forest products consultant forOlym- pic Forest Products in Ken- more. Also a graduate of Lake Washington High, in 1945, he served for two years in the Navy Air Corps at Mem- phis, Tennessee before at- tending the University of Washington from which he gradv~ted in 1950 with a hold foundingmeet The Eastside Church of God held its founding meeting Jan- uary 28 at the Bellevue Com- munity College. Representing families from Bothell, Kirk- land, Bellevue and Renton, 18 persons attended. Elected to" the Board of Trustees were Bernard Thomlinson, Bonnie Knight and Ken Johnson. Bill Knight was elected interim pastor. The Eastside Church of God's first worship service is set for Sunday, March 4~ at 9:45 a.m., the location to be announced at a later date. The church plans a com- plete program of Sunday morning and evening worship services, midweek prayer services and youth activities. Eastside Church of God is an independent church affiliated with the Church of God, which League slates program has general ofqces in Ander- son, Indiana. For additional information, the church requests you to telephone AL5-6386, collect. If there is no answer, tele- phone 23%$797. Special event slated for Senior A dults Movies and a "special hap- pening" are scheduled for the February 13 meeting of the Redmond Senior Adults Club. Group members are re- quested to bring a sack lunch at 11:30 a.m.; no dessert nec- essary. Movies and other ac- tivities are scheduled until 2:30 p.m. No fees are charged, but a 25-cent donation will be ap- preciated. The meeting will be at the Redmond Methodist mee t Church, 16540 NE 80th St. A program-making meet- ing of the League of WomenCoff ho Voters of Lake Washington e e ur East win be held tomorrow h-d I A at 9:30 a.m. at the Bellevue SC U' Public Library. Members meet annually to at RJHS choose new studies, select an area of current study and work on improving the governmental process. Participating in the pro- gram presentation will be Joan Vermilion, Ruth Hertzberg, Elaine Birn, Michelle Meith, Jewel Shaprio and Jane Akita. Tracie Shober will detail east- side local city government. Arrangements chairman, Charlene McKenzie, may be contacted for further infor- mation at 454-5967. The meeting is open to the public. Vernon Leatha, principal of Redmond Junior High School, will hold his monthly coffee hour February 13 at 9:30a.m. in the faculty d~ning room. Featured guest will be Dr. Don Empey, superintendant of the Lake Washington School District. The sessions are designed to give everyone an oppor- tunity to meet school rep- resentatives. All interested parents are invited to attend. XC ange Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Brown Miss Lyn Christine Johnson of Kirkland and Lance Ben- jamin Brown were joined in marriage December 16 in ceremonies held at the Rose Hill Presbyterian Church. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Larry E. Johnson, 6060 NE 135th, Kirk- land. The parents of the groom, Mr. and Mrs. Benin= mln Brown, traveled from their home in Fair Oaks, Cal- if. for the wedding. Rever- end Harlow Willard of the Rose lill Church and Dr. David Dillworth of Whitworth Col- lege officiated. The new Mrs. Brown wore a gown of white satin andlace, adorned with embroidered pearls. The gown featured a full train. She was attend- ed by her maid of honor, Jen- nifer Brown. Bridesmaids were Sue An- drews, KaresEskeldson, Kar- la Henken, Cindy White, Val- ory Brown a~d Judy Bachelor. The best m~m was DougBrown. Ushers ia~uded Dan M~c- Donald, Juju Predisik, Bill Depp% Brym Johmm|, Mark Jehason, and Bob Rappleye. Karen Coxhead spoke to Rotarians last week. dents ride their bicycles to school r~gularly. She characterizes the school here as more open in comparison to the academic atmosphere back home, wherc students wear uniforms to school. She expressed that a pleasant surprise was the un- usually friendly and open re- lationship between students and teachers at Redmond: when asked if the women's liberation movement had gotten a foothold in N~ Zea- land, Karen said that one hears of it occasionally. She added a timely warning that although she agrees with some ef the attitudes, "tf women carry it too tar, they'll find they no longer will have men fussing around themW Ringbearer and flower girl for the candlelight cere- mony were Carl Johnson and Rhonda Davis. Candle- x. lighters were Judi Clifford and Mary Maddox. Vocalists Chuck Shillito, 4 Dave Thome and Willie Wil- liams sang "Pass It On," "One Hand, One Heart" and "The Lord's Prayer". A reception for the new couple was held in Bothell fol- lowing the wedding ceremony. Pouring for guests were Mrs. Ralph Zobert of Mount Vernon, Mrs. Erling Johnson, Seat- tle, Mrs. Thomas McMechan of Alle~, and Mrs. R. Clif- ford, Bothell. In attendance at the guestbook was Mrs. Harold Rickdal, Seattle. Many friends and rela- tives from California and var- ious parts of Washingtonwere present to join the newlyweds \ in their celebration. \ The bride and groom took a wedding trip to Canada and /../ California. They presently / reside in Spokane where they attend Whitworth College. Both expect to graduate ia May. Rotary ball will feature sweethearts Larry Nelson the Evergreen East Realty in Redmond or by telephoning Mrs. Miller at 885-4856. unc Redmond Park Board members, L-R, Arthur Kuhn, gree in forestry. He hasbeen engaged in timber design and sales work for the past 21 years. For eight years, Bay has been coach, manager and of- ficer of the Redmond Little League Baseball Association for the last 5 years and ser- wed on the committee wi'dol~ successfully spes~ae~ded Redmond High stadium con- structton. Bay and his wife, Joanne have four children. Datghter Bobble Joe is a freshman at the University of Wash- ington and Bryan, Becky and The Redmond Rotary Club will present its "Sweetheart Ball" February I0 from 9:30 p.m.,h30 ~m. at the Red- mo~d hmerlca~ Legion Hall. With music by the Country- men, the dance will also fea- ture a sweetheart couple, Larry and ~mdy Nelson of Redmond. Nelson is a KOMO Radio personality. Highlight of the evening will be the drawing for the Ro- tary-spensored Hawaiian trip. Proceeds from the dance will go toward the Redmond Drag- sters' European soccer trip. The tour, set for June, will take 17 Redmond amllssaquah boys on a good-~ll tour of Europe. Working the dance ar- rangements are Hank Jahn% Capt. Fred Pingrey and the Mesdames Bruce Miller, Ro- ger Dipple, Dave Nelson, Steve Lankford, Jack Woods and John Carufel. Dance donations are $6 per couple and are available at Paul Taylor, Chuck Bay and Cecil Beba. Bradley attend Red- mond schools. The hmily lives at 3204 172 Ave. NE. Bay is presently the pres- ident of the Seattle Hoo-ttoo Club which is an international lumbermen's organl=ation. Arthur Kulm, chairman of the Park Board,, and Miye Yoshitake were reappointed to the board this month, and will serve until 1976. Bay's position is also until 1976. Taylor's appointment will expire in 1974. Cecil Beba has been serving on the board since last year. His term is up in !975. / \